Autonomous surface drone

The IM6800 is the latest addition to our USV fleet and is designed for offshore conditions.
With a maximum payload of 500kg and a high endurance, this robust vessel is an ideal multi-sensor platform for offshore survey activities. The drone is able to navigate in seastate 4.
The vessel is equipped with a moonpool suitable for the installation of various sensors.
The mission planning software enables the operator to efficiently execute a survey fully autonomous.
The IM6800 can be used as a force multiplier for an existing survey vessel or can be deployed as a? stand-lone vessel for nearshore work.
Technical Specifications / IM6800
- Length : 6,97m
- Width : 2,49m
- Air draft : 2,40m max
- Draught : 0,43m
- Weight : 1200kg
- Payload : 500kg
- Moonpool : 50x50cm
- Speed (max) : 12 noeuds
- Speed (survey) : 6 noeuds
- Motor : 2×26.5 Yanmar diesel engines= 53 kW
- Fuel : Diesel (120 litres)
Power system
- Payload system voltage : 12V + 230V AC
- Max payload power : 1,5 kW
- Radio RC : RF Designe 868MHz, Fr SKY?, Futuba? 2,4 GHz
- RC charging time : 3 heures
- Wi-Fi : 5GHz
- Audiopilot : Ardupilot + ROS (Mission planner, QGroud control, UGS, MAV proxy)
- Max control distance : Module mesh DTC : 3000m-5000m RF 868 MHz : 1500m Doodle labs : 3000m
- Radio : RF design 968 MHz – Wifi 2.4 GHz – Wifi (5GHz), Option DTC mesh triband (1,25MHz ? 20 MHz)
- Radio/satellite use : Radio UHF – audio pilot navigation – data acquisition / data exchange
Supervision options
- HD camera : 2 thermal PTZ? camera+ pan & tilt target
- Video target detection : Target detection, identification option (IA)
- Lidar : Laser scanning (100m)
- AIS : Class B AIS transponder
Survey equipment
- Winch : SVP, SSS towing, Magnetometer towing
- Multibeam : Norbit?, Konsberg?, R2 Sonic?, Teledyne?
Ad-on & sensor options
(on demand)
- Singlebeam : EA40?, PA500?…
- Lidar : AML?, Valport?, …
- SVP : Sidescan sonar